Tuesday, April 12, 2016

CC 140 Business Communications - April 12th

Welcome to Communications 140!

If you missed last week, please get your book from the office.

In case you did not read this last week or you are new today, here is the course syllabus:
 CC 140 Syllabus 

  • Read
    • Chapter 2 Review: pg. 61-62
    • Chapter 3: pg. 68-85

  • Write
      • Please watch the video and write at least 1 page double spaced (250 words)
      • What are at least three negative and positive listening skills and nonverbal cues in the interviews.
  •  Discuss
    • Ethical Questions #5 on page 63.
      • Please read and make an outline on your feelings out this scenario.
      • You will present your opinions and discuss in groups next Tuesday.

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