Tuesday, January 29, 2019

CC 140 Business Communication - Week of January 28th - Week #4

Below is the class syllabus. Please take a minute and read through it.

Here are the resources for today's class:


    • Personal Culture Essay
      • Using the lesson from Chapter 3, what is your personal culture?
        • Here are some questions you could answer:
          • What are your cultural dimensions?
          • How has your upbringing shaped you?
          • How has your personal culture helped or hindered you in Canada? 
          • Are you cultural self-aware?
      • Length: 250 words
      • Due: Friday, Feb. 8th 


    • Read Chapter 3
    • Page 87 - Critical Thinking
      • #1, #2 and #3
    • Due: Feb. 18th

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